Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh the Joys of Parenthood

Today has just been one of those days...I feel like I have completely lost control of my house!  I had to take a phone call this morning (my first mistake) and the kids saw this as their opportunity to destroy the house.  Mom won't yell at us or punish us while she's on the phone, right?   I hear my youngest crying in the other room, he just woke up from his nap.  No big deal, I go get him because I know as soon as I pick him up he'll stop crying.  Coming out the bedroom though, I realize I haven't seen the 3 yr old or the 2 yr old in a little while.  Hmm....So while continuing my phone conversation I make my way across the house.  I find both of them in front of the hall closet.  They have emptied it and the 2 yr old has found the markers that were hidden in there.  He used them to decorate his shirt and arms.  The three year old has unraveled 2 rolls of paper towels and unfolded all of the bath towels and thrown them in various areas of the playroom.  I promptly remove the markers from the 2 yr old's possession and put them up in a cabinet in the kitchen.  I'm still trying to listen to everything the nice woman on the phone is telling, and I head back to find something to occupy the two kids while I finish my conversation.  As I turn the corner I look into the bathroom and see the 3 year old peeing on the floor!  Seriously???  I pretty much just stand there and watch it happen because I have the baby in one hand, the phone propped between my shoulder and ear and a handful of paper towels in my other hand (picked those up on my way back).
I finally get off the phone and walk around the house to assess the damage.  
Some days I just want to crawl back in bed!
Later in the day I walk into the play room to find them playing nicely with their toys and books.  It almost makes me forget about what happened this morning...almost.

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